Around 9:30pm it felt like my water had started to break. Nothing major so I didn't tell Dave until I knew for sure. Minutes later I told him that I thought my water broke. We called L&D and they said to come in or rest at home for a little bit. I rested as my contractions started to come. Around 11 is when we needed to call someone to watch Dylan for us. Our friend Jeri came while my sister started her long drive here.

At 2pm Oct 31st I was fully dilated and was able to push. The Midwife said it was most likely be 2 hours of pushing and she will check back in 45 minutes to see how I'm doing with the nurse. After 15 minutes of pushing the nurse called the MW back saying she didn't have 2 hours. After 30 minutes of pushing Parker Eppler West was born. Due to me having a fever and Parker having a very hard time at birth he was in the NICU for our stay at the hospital.