Monday, June 8, 2009

How does one learn?

How does one learn to be a SAHM? Is it something that comes naturally? Did you learn from you mom?
Growing up I knew that I would want to be a SAHM just by watching my mom. My mom was great at her "job". Yeah, okay she had her soaps that she watched, but I have my Law & Order. Our house wasn't spotless, but she took care of our house. Dinner was always prepped to be cooked or already cooking by the time my dad got home. She was there to pick us up from school, drive us to soccer practice, playdates, the mall and more. She taught us about chores and if you make a mess then you clean it up. We lived on a farm so there were days that she would be on the tractor in the back, cleaning out the barn, stacking firewood, or whatever else needed to be done. There were days that she was on the computer working on the 4-H newsletter, Green Valleys Elementary newspaper, or working on some sort of database.
Thinking of all the stuff my mom did I realize I don't do half of what she does. I guess I need to get my butt in gear! LOL

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our little secret

When you just don't want to go to the park, but need to burn some of that energy your toddler has what do you do?
Me, I go to Super Franks. Oh what a great place! Today we went with a few girlfriends. We were able to sit and chat while the kids played. Super Franks is an upscale Chuck E Cheese. Way better food, Starbucks coffee and a ton of great toys for the kids.
So hubby knows that we are out all morning. He knows that Dylan is getting exercise and is with friends. He's tired enough to take a nap.
So for $9.50 Dylan got to play for 3 hours and I had a soda. $22 fed 4 kids, 3 adults for lunch.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Relaxing weekends

As a SAHM we are running round all day from the moment our children wake up, we beg and pray for naps (Some days we just don't get one) and then count the hours until bed time. We have a fun time with our kids, but we are constintly on the go. Toddlers attention span can be short so most of the time us SAHM's need to keep things interesting for them.

I was lucky to have hubby take Dylan out on Saturday so that I could "rest". I had a migraine, but had so much that I needed to get done. I expected for the boys to be back 2 hours later, but they were gone ALL day. I got my long list done, watched some Tori and Dean, baked for my princess cake and rested. I enjoyed my time allow, but missed my boys. I'm always with Dylan. I missed his, "what's that?" and the sound of his little feet running round.

When Hubby and Dylan returned from playing all day I wanted to have Hubby relax. Instead he ran out to get "beer" and when he returned he had picked up sushi for dinner. He thanked me for all I do with Dylan. It touched me so much. Here Hubby had Dylan all day and he's thanking me. So totally backwards, but okay.

As a SAHM we don't think that others around us notice what we do every day. We don't think our spouses are aware of all the tiny tiny things we do. This weekend I realized Hubby does notice all those little tiny things I do.